The Deposit Builder – One of our favourite pages!


One of my favourite pages in the Journal is our Deposit Builder. This is a great visual way to track your progress as you work towards your Deposit Target.

Alicia from the First Time Buyers Facebook Group shared this amazing example, colourfully highlighted by her 5 year old!


  • You set the value of each brick yourself. That could be €100 or €500 or even €1,000 – depending on how much you can afford to regularly save and what your target deposit is.
  • Alicia chose €300 each brick. If she fills in all 100 bricks she will reach her target of €30,000 deposit. Looks like she’s already 2/3rds of the way there! Well done!

We think this is such a fun section to keep track of your savings progress, in addition to our line-by-line deposit tracker.

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